VADSmp: Multiprocessing Software-Development System
- Simplifies MP application development
- Parallelizes existing single-processor applications
- Eliminates blocking I/O
- Uses standard Ada programming language
- Maximizes portability and reuse
- Easy to use: does not require special training
A complete multiprocessing development environment
VADSmp is an integrated Ada compilation system that simplifies the
development of multiprocessing (MP) applications. VADSmp manages
the details
of multiprocessing transparently, eliminating the need to develop
multitasking software and freeing you to focus on your application
Tools for multiprocessor software development
The VADSmp environment provides an integrated suite of tools for
building new
applications or for parallelizing existing applications.
- Optimizing compiler: Produces optimized code and system calls
to execute
application tasks in parallel
- Ada-MP runtime system: Manages the details of multiprocessor
and communication
- Task monitor: Displays the execution history of multiple parallel
clarifying your application behavior
- MP performance profiler: Helps you pinpoint performance
- Automated build tool: Streamlines the edit-compile-debug cycle
automatically recompiling a minimal number of units in the correct
- MP-safe Ada libraries: Ensures that applications execute reliably
in parallel
- Cross-reference tool:Provides complete cross-reference
information for all
objects used by a unit or a set of units
- Library-management system: Simplifies the management of Ada
code for
projects of any size
- Online help: Provides easy access to information on VADSmp
Simplifies multiprocessor application development
VADSmp simplifies the development of parallelized applications by
advantage of existing features of the Ada language. You use Ada
tasks to set up
and manage concurrent processing in a single, parallelized
VADSmp's unique runtime system works with the underlying
operating system to
concurrently execute and synchronize multiple tasks. You take
advantage of
multiprocessing without specialized, explicit programming.
Using VADSmp, you can manage parallel execution of Ada tasks.
- Create new tasks
- Set task priorities
- Lock tasks to specific processors (some versions)
- Communicate between tasks
- Synchronize task execution
VADSmp is easy to learn and requires minimal knowledge of the
operating system or processor hardware. Moreover, VADSmp is
compatible with the VADSself and VADScross development systems
used by
most UNIX Ada developers.
Makes it easy to convert an application to multiprocessors
Existing applications can be parallelized using VADSmp to take
advantage of
new multi-processor hardware. Applications that already
incorporate Ada tasking
can be parallelized without source-code changes. You simply
recompile the
application, link under VADSmp, and then fine tune it with the
VADSmp profiling
and debugging tools. Nontasking Ada applicatons can be parallelized
partitioning the application into independent tasks and recompiling
Speeds up single-processor applications
VADSmp improves real-time performance and system throughput for
single-processor applications. By managing the execution of
multiple tasks,
VADSmp minimizes blocking I/O in applications demanding both
performance and extensive data I/O. For example, data retrieval,
data storage,
and graphics output are processed independently from the rest of the
so that I/O operations do not block the execution of the entire
Instead, I/O subsystems execute in parallel with the application
code, minimizing
potentially long delays. Improved real-time responsiveness and
greater overall
performance result.
Simplifies future upgrades
System upgrades are an important part of any complex system.
simplifies upgrades by eliminating additional development. The
VADSmp runtime
system takes advantage of new processors automatically.
Upgrading to new, faster processors is also easy with VADSmp.
application code developed under VADSmp is completely portable,
you simply
recompile the application code on the new hardware system. You can
system upgrades in record time.
Debugs multiprocessing applications
Debugging complex multi-processing applications can be the most
part of a project. Therefore, VADSmp provides extensive
debugging capabilities.
- Nonintrusive debugging: Saves time and eliminates debugger side
Because the VADSmp debugger works on deployed code, special
are eliminated, and you debug the optimized code that will be
- Precise breakpoint control: Ensures that you are able to pinpoint
quickly. VADSmp will halt execution at exactly the correct point,
whether the
application is executing a task, a generic, an exception, or an
- Display capabilities for process and task status:Provides
information about the execution state of the application. This
information is critical
in complex multiprocessing and multitasking applications.
- Task history: Displays the execution history of concurrent tasks,
making MP
applications easier to understand.
- Synchronous and asynchronous breakpoints: Ensures precise
control of the
application by letting you halt all tasks or just one task with a
single breakpoint.
- Ada, C, and assembly debugging: Simplifies development and
testing of
multilanguage applications.
Protects your investment
New applications developed under VADSmp are very portable.
Applications can
be recompiled and executed on a variety of single- and multiple-processor
systems from Sun, HP, IBM, DEC, SGI, Motorola, AT&T, DG, Harris,
and others. You are never restricted to one system.
VADSmp also maximizes reuse of existing software, helping you
development costs. VADSmp can reuse existing Ada, C, and assembly
Existing Ada code is recompiled. Existing C and assembly code is
linked with
Ada code and debugged as a single application using the
Supported hosts
VADSmp is available from Silicon Graphics as MP/Ada under IRIX 4.0
and from
Sun. Support for Sun SPARC, HP, IBM, and DEC versions are also
Contact your local Rational representative for the availability of
VADSmp on the
HP 700, IBM RISC System/6000, and DEC Alpha.
Contact Sun Microsystems for availability on Sun SPARC systems.
Rational Software Corporation offers a full range of services to
ensure your
success, including training, telephone support, and on-site
D-111A; last updated 10/2/95